Sunday, 5 June 2011

How can i get my ToS before index?

Hey, I have a index but i just created a terms of service page where someone would have to agree in order to access the webpage.

How do i make it so the tos shows before the index?

i know i can change the tos to index.php(or html) and then change index to something else, but is there like a html code that can do it another way?|||you can simply

%26lt;head%26gt;%26lt;script type=%26quot;javascript%26quot; language=%26quot;javascript%26quot;%26gt;

function TOS(){

var agree = confirm(%26quot;Do you agree to the Terms of Service?%26quot;);



alert(%26quot;You can not access this site%26quot;);










%26lt;body onLoad=%26quot;TOS();%26quot;%26gt;