My webpage used to rank high on google when given a set of search words. It actually climbed up to the first position. then, suddenly, the main index.html page no longer appears. The rest of my website pages may appear for the same keywords, but are not ranked high. I tried using the Google webmaster tools, and i%26#039;m sure that my page is NOT at all in the index (i.e. i%26#039;m sure it will never show up even as the millionth hit). i tried submitting a sitemap but no change. The only changes I made to the front page, is that I call a php script (as part of %26lt;IMG SRC=%26quot;temp.php%26quot;%26gt; from an IMG source that increments a counter and logs the ip address. It%26#039;s been over a month and i have done all kinds of tricks. Any ideas why this might happen?|||To give you an accurate answer it would be helpful if you posted your site%26#039;s address.
However, to check whether your site is indexed, just type in the full address ( into Google%26#039;s search box. You will know immediately whether your site is indexed or not.
Page rank is updated by Google every 3 months or so.
This is a really good free tool to anlalyse your website%26#039;s meta tags, keywords etc.
Regards, Zyfert