A typical html link code to an image is:
%26lt;img src=%26quot;imagename.jpg%26quot;%26gt;
%26lt;img alt=%26quot;background text%26quot; src=%26quot;imagename.jpg%26quot;
These files could also be .gif
Now 'imagename.jpg' must also exist in your root folder (public_html) sometimes they are placed in a separate folder called images.
So just make sure that your images are also located in your 'public_html' as well as index.html folder and all the other folders that make up your website.
Regards, EmilyI have changed my homepage to index.html and now i cannot see any images on my homepage?re-upload photosI have changed my homepage to index.html and now i cannot see any images on my homepage?red 'x's mean that the HTML is fine, but the link to the images is not. Open up the index.html file and see if you have given the right path. Best in this situation is to give 'relative path' and not 'absolute path'.
ie, just include the file name for the 'src' tag and dump all the htmls and images in the main directoryhi
there are few things that u have to check out
- make sure that the links to the pictures are correct.
- and that the pictures are in the same folder as yo index.html (this will depend in the point above)
also check that you file names are correct and that u have used the correct file extentions for the pictures (.gif or .jpg)
visit the link below for more practice
hope this will help