I bought a template, and am trying to change the header of the page so it will flow down to all the other pages I am going to make. Right now I have a main.dwt page and an index.html page. When I change the text in the main.dwt page it doesn't change it in the index.html page. But in the index.html page it won't let me edit the header??In dreamweaver, how do I make changes to the overall look using CSS?Easiest to use Notepad and learn html and css. :o)
Okay, you will have to change the CSS, not the HTML. Is the CSS an external file, if so open it to make the changes. If it is included in the index html document, change there.In dreamweaver, how do I make changes to the overall look using CSS?The easiest way is to make your pages in php and include the header (and footer) as separate files.